Qualitative Soil or Compost Assessment


Are you curious about what kinds of life are inside your soil or compost?

We can help you see it on a microscopic level! Whether you want a full assessment or would just like to have pictures of the life in your soil, we’ve got you covered.


Qualitative Assessments

Qualitative assessments will give you an estimate how many fungi, protozoa, and nematodes are in your soil. (We can also check worm castings and compost.) If we spot possible issues, we will let you know. Anaerobic conditions and root-feeding nematodes are some common issues that we can warn you about. (Here’s an image of a root-feeding nematode called a ring nematode, if you’re interested!) The data from the assessments will come to you in a table, as an approximation of organisms per gram of soil.

If you’re not sure how to interpret the results, contact us via email.

Additional information

Qualitative Assessments


Micro-Photo Shoots

Cost: $150 per hour, $80 per half-hour

Quick Check Assessments

Cost: $55 per report


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